
Flexion / Distraction Technique

A non-invasive technique using a specialized table that promotes flexion as well as traction in order to decompress the spine, bring nutrients to the disc and to relieve pressure on irritated nerve roots. This is a great technique for patients with disc related issues as well as patients who are not candidates for traditional spinal manipulation of the lumbar spine. 

Electrical Stimulation

The application of electrical current at safe levels to localized areas to help target muscles spasms, improve blood circulation and stimulate the release of natural occurring endorphins within our bodies to help with pain. 

Therapeutic Ultrasound

This therapy is used to provide deep heat to soft tissues in the body with high collagen content which include ligaments, tendons, fascia, joint capsules, and scar tissue. Ultrasound can help with increasing circulation to tissues, accelerate the healing process, decrease pain, and increase elasticity within muscles and tendons that many be tight or stiff. 

Therapeutic Stretches & Exercises

Therapeutic stretches help with tight muscles, restricted joints and restoring range of motion. Exercises will aid in addressing any muscle imbalances by strengthening weak muscles and preventing future injuries. Combining these will promote mobility, decrease pain and improve physical performance by increasing flexibility.  We incorporate these within our treatment plans as well if warranted. 

Soft Tissue Manipulation

Also known as a therapeutic massage that targets tight muscles and trigger points. It promotes circulation in the area, break down or reduce adhesions, reduce swelling or edema, decrease pain, restore functionality and improve range of motion.  Our doctors may use their hands to deliver this therapy or may also use a tool ("ConnectX" tool, similar to a gua sha) to help with stubborn areas. 

Cupping Therapy

Plastic or silicone cups are applied to muscles that are tight or in pain.  This therapy uses suction to pull on your skin to decrease fascial tension under the skin and increase blood flow to the affected area. Some benefits of this therapy include a reduction in pain or inflammation, decrease muscle tightness, promote circulation, and restore range of motion. Some techniques of cupping that are performed in our office include:

Chiropractic Manipulation

Also known as an "adjustment", is performed by our chiropractors to help restore joint mobility by manually applying a controlled force into joints that have become restricted in their movement as a result of tissue injury.